WIP Wednesday!

It’s been two weeks since my last post, and I have to admit… I’ve only finished one WIP!

It’s been slow-going around here for the past few days. I’m coming up with a fun new venture with a friend, and if it all works out… well,  I’ll have a nice surprise for everyone. I’m also preparing for a new blog feature that, I’m hoping, will give our local crochet community a big boost. Super excited about this one!

While we wait for the big reveal, feast your eyes on my new works-in-progress:


I’ve finally started my baby girl’s birthday dress! It took me two weeks to get up the courage to actually put hook to yarn, and I’m so glad I did. This has got to be one of my favorite baby dress patterns: it’s well written and easy to understand.


Up close, you can just see it’s simple treble clusters, but the drape is really nice. I’m using Baguio Cotton Sheen in Blonde. It’s darker than I would have liked, but it’s a lovely beach-brown that Houdini can wear around until she grows out of it. My mom heavily hinted that I should make a matching set for her too. Don’t think I have enough yarn for that, haha.


I’m finally using Crafty Kitten PawsTablea and Egg Yolk! I’ll honestly forever love her 12plys. They are soooo soft and workable! Every time I see a 12ply ball go up for sale at The Yarn Traveler, I have to sit on my hands to keep from buying it.

As I said before, I’m working on making a baby sling. Houdini loves being chauffeured around in someone’s arms, doesn’t matter who, and our backs are paying the price. The essentials of a good baby sling is that it should support the baby’s back and legs properly, while at the same time dispersing the weight so that you can move about freely. The trick here is getting the tension right, so in the above picture, I”m testing different stitches to see which one has a good stretch without becoming too warped.

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I’ve decided on two stitches. For the Tablea, I’m going with the Honeycomb stitch. Not too much stretch, so it’ll give good support. Also, the holes make it nice and airy, perfect for our humid weather of late.

DSC_0311For the Egg Yolk, I’m going with the Grit stitch. This one is a little stretchier than the Honeycomb, so it’ll give way when Houdini gets heavier.

Now I just have to decide the length and actually begin these projects so that when the rest of the yarn comes in, all I have to do is join them along.

That’s my update in the midst of this busy week. Stay tuned for next week, when I uncover my newest feature!


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